
Coconut And Chocolate Fondant Cake

The coconut water or cocoa mixture gets poured over the top before baking, then sinks down to the bottom during baking to create a sumptuous chocolate sauce. Baking times for these cakes may vary depending on your oven. Try checking the cakes after 10 minutes. If they still seem a little too wobbly or uncooked, place them back into the oven for a further 2-3 minutes.

With the condensed milk, the texture looks a little like that of a magic cake that separates into 3 layers when cooked: the bottom is a kind of custard, in the middle, there are a cream and the top looks like a cake more classic.


  • 1 jar of sweetened condensed milk (400 g)
  • 120 g of coconut powder (+ a little for decoration)
  • 2 tablespoons icing sugar
  • 50 g cornflour
  • 20 cl of liquid cream
  • 30 cl of milk
  • 2 eggs
    Chocolate ganache
  • 100 g of dark chocolate or milk
  • 100 g of fresh cream


  1. Preheat your oven to 180 °c.
  2. In a large bowl, combine all the ingredients: milk, cornflour, icing sugar, crème Fraiche, eggs, condensed milk, and grated coconut.
  3. Pour everything into a mold. Ideally, take a silicone mold not too big to have a thick cake. If you use a classic mold, it will butter and put baking paper.
  4. Cook in a bain-marie for 1h20 min at 180 °, covering the cake with a sheet of aluminum foil (to avoid that the top of the cake is too much cooked).
  5. Let the cake cool completely before unmolding

Chocolate ganache

  1. Cut the chocolate into small pieces.
  2. Heat the cream until simmering.
  3. Pour 1/3 of the cream over the chocolate and mix well.
  4. Repeat the process twice to obtain a nice emulsion where the chocolate and the cream form a homogeneous and unctuous texture.
  5. Place the ganache in the center of the cake and on the edges to completely cover the dessert. You can smooth with a spatula, or tap the grid to spread the ganache.
  6. You can then decorate the cake by sprinkling it with a little coconut powder.
  7. Keep in a cool room until tasting.

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