
Vanilla Chiffon Cupcakes

These chiffon cupcakes are super soft, they rise up perfectly when baked and get extra sweetness from the honey. Add two eggs in a mixing bowl then place the bowl over hot water and start beating the eggs, once the eggs are well whisked, add the sugar. Make sure you mix the eggs first before adding the sugar because if you add the sugar before whisking, lumps will form and it won’t mix well.

Add the honey and mix it well then remove the mixture from the hot water and start beating the mixture on mediums speed until it doubles in size. This is what will give fluffiness to these chiffon cupcakes.

Sift in cake flour and baking powder then with a spatula, fold the dry ingredients in slowly so that you maintain the structure of this cake batter, mix until all the flour is moistened and the batter has no lumps. In another bowl, melt butter and milk then pour the butter mixture into the cake batter and fill it in.

Depending on the type and shape of the cupcake tina you are using, line them then fill them to three-quarters way full. Bake in a preheated oven at 340 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 minutes or until golden brown on top. The chiffon cakes will come out super soft and spongy, enjoy with a cup of tea.


  • 2 eggs
  • 70g Sugar
  • 75g Cake flour
  • 2g Baking Powder
  • 30g Butter
  • 30g Milk
  • 10g Honey
  • 2ml Vanilla extract

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