
Pink Macarons Recipe

If you have never tried making raspberry macarons before, I promise you that this recipe will be the easiest recipe you will try from us as long as you measure your ingredients correctly. For the flour, use almond flour instead of the almond meal because it gives the cookies a much better texture. Place the confectioner sugar into a large bowl then add almond flour then add frozen dried berries, take a spatula and gently combine the ingredients together then set that aside.

Place your egg whites into a mixer bowl then add granulated sugar then beat that on high speed until a really stiff peaks forms. Add the beaten egg whites into the flour using a spatula then begin to gently fold them together. When making the macarons, it is important to get the right consistency for your cookie batter. To check the consistency, you can just take a while spatula and invert the cookie batter back into the bowl and it should fall just down into a ribbon and it should take about 15 seconds to completely settle back down.

Once your batter is ready, transfer it into a pastry bag ten on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, pipe the cookies. Tap the pan down to release any air bubbles that might be trapped in the cookies. Sprinkle the top of the cookies with raspberry seeds just to add a little extra flair then bake them for around 10 minutes.

While the cookies are baking, make the buttercream filling and once the cookies finish baking, lift them from the parchment paper and set aside. Turn half of the cookies upside down then at the centre of half of the cookies, just pipe the buttercream, then use another half to cover them. These raspberry macarons have a great flavour of the raspberry with that creamy lemon filling.


  • 110 grams of almond flour
  • 200 grams of confectioner’s sugar
  • 10 grams freeze-dried fruit powder, plus more for decorating
  • 100 grams aged egg whites, or at room temperature
  • 50 grams white granulated sugar
  • food colouring paste

For Buttercream;

  • Lemon zest from 1 lemon
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 3/4 cup butter, softened at room temperature
  • Confectioner’s sugar, about 2 cups


  1. Pre-measure all the ingredients using a digital kitchen scale.
  2. Place a bowl onto your scales, tare the weight, which will set the scale to zero and sift the flour into the bowl.
  3. For the berry flavor in this recipe,  use freeze-dried fruit. Simply place the berries into a food processor, pulse for a few seconds and sift through a fine mesh strainer.
  4. Pace the egg whites into my mixer bowl and add sugar. Turn your mixer on high and whisk until stiff peaks form.
  5. Sift into a large bowl the flour, confectioner’s sugar and fruit powder.
  6. Gradually fold in the flour into the egg whites. The mixture needs to have a specific consistency.
  7. Not too thick or too thin, should fall off of your spatula in a ribbon.
  8. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper and preheated my oven to 300F.
  9. Watch your cookies when they’re in the oven and open the door if you think you see any color on them!
  10. Transfer batter into a pastry bag tipped with a round tip. If you have the time, you can draw circles on the back of the parchment paper to use as guides.
  11. Pipe onto your parchment paper. Tap pan multiple times to release any air bubbles. Then, let pan stand for 1 hour to form a thin film over the top.
  12. Bake the cookies for 15 minutes.
  13. Once you take them out, let them stand for a few minutes before removing them. Let them cool completely before filling.

For filling;

  1. Whisk the butter in a medium-sized mixing bowl for a few minutes until fluffy.
  2. Add lemon zest, lemon juice, and confectioner’s sugar until buttercream is the right consistency.
  3. Pipe onto one cookie, top with another.

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