
Fluffy Moist Cake Roll

This is a very basic cake roll that is easy to make and you can spread any spreading of your choice. This is a very light and fluffy cake after it is done baking perfect as a snack or with a cup of tea. The first thing you will do is melt the butter in a saucepan of a microwave then add in the milk and let it sit on medium heat while stirring until the butter is melted. After the butter is melted, take the pan off the heat and sift in all-purpose flour and mix that in, you will mix it until there are no lumps seen then add in the eggs yolks slowly while continuing to mix with a wire whisk, since the mixture is still hot, you do not want to cook the eggs in the butter then set it aside.

In a stand mixer, you will beat the egg whites then add sugar until it reaches a stiff peak. Fold in the egg whites into the butter mixture slowly using a spatula and continue folding until everything is incorporated. For flavoring, you can add pure vanilla extract and mix it in. After the egg whites and the egg yolks mixture is well-mixed together, you will pour that batter into a prepared 13 by 9 lined baking tray.

Bake it in 350 degrees preheated oven for 25 to 30 minutes or until it’s cooked through, oven varies differently so you will start keeping an eye on your cake at the 25th minute. Once cooked, invert the cake onto a wire rack and remove the parchment paper then place the cake onto another parchment paper and roll it like a sushi roll.

When you reach the end of the cake, place it in the center of the parchment paper and use the parchment paper to tightly roll it in and close then ends. place the cake in the refrigerator to cool for about 30 minutes then remove the cake and serve with a few fresh fruits and cream. This cake is super yummy, super moist and super fluffy, try this simple cake and enjoy.


  • Butter 60g ( ¼ cup+ 1 tsp)
  • Milk 60g (1/4 cup)
  • All-purpose flour 60g (1/3 cup + 1 tbsp)
  • Sugar 85g (1/3 cup + 1 tbsp)
  • 5 eggs yolk + 1 whole egg
  • 5 egg whites
  • Vanilla Extract 1 tsp

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