This is a classic, one of teh oldest recipes ever. If you have never made one before, it is a real citrusy, zingy and super easy it doesn’t require many decorations. You will use a regular loaf tin grease it and lining with parchment paper. The first thing you will do is cream the butter and sugar together, you can use a stand mixer or a hand whisk. Beat the mixture on medium-high speed until well mixed then start adding your eggs one at a time and give a good beat after each addition.

Add your lemon zest into the batter and give one final mix. The next ingredients that will, be going into the batter are your all-purpose flour and start folding the mixture in with your freestanding mixer on low speed. You can also do this by hand, you want to get your spatula or metal spoon a just cut through the middle and scrape around just to incorporate it evenly.

Once you are satisfied that it’s all smooth and well incorporeal, you can pop it into your tin, just dump it and spread it out.  Your tin should be two-thirds or three-quarters full. Bake it in 170 degrees Celcius oven for 55 minutes and you can start checking your cake at the 50th minute just to make sure. Check with your skewer to make sure it is well baked then let it cool down completely.

The drizzle part is very simple starting with juicing two lemons into castor sugar and then giving it a good stir. You will not be trying to completely dissolve all the sugar and if you feel like it’s a little bit thin, you can add more sugar. The consistency you are looking for is like maple syrup. Pour the glaze of the cake so it can soak well into the cake, it’s really important to do this when the cake is still warm.

Make holes on teh cake with a skewer so teh drizzle can sink into the cake then pour the drizzle over the cake so o can sink into the cake and make it moist. This cake is best eaten when it’s still a little bit warm, use a sharp knife to cut and slice your cake and enjoy.


  • 100g butter
  • 100g caster sugar
  • 200g self-raising flour
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 3 eggs
  • 2tbsp milk
  • Zest one lemon
  • 2tbsp of fresh lemon juice


  • 2tbsp of lemon juice
  • 100g icing sugar


  1. Double-line the bread pan with baking parchment or loaf tin liners.
  2. Cream together the butter and the sugar.
  3. Beat in the eggs gradually.
  4. Add the vanilla, milk, lemon juice and zest.
  5. Fold in the flour.
  6. Place the mixture into the bread pan, being careful to ensure that the mixture is inside the baking parchment.
  7. Select the bak only mode and enter 50 minutes on the timer.
  8. After baking, test with a skewer to see if the cake is cooked.
  9. If the cake requires extra time, select the bake mode again and enter a further 3-5 minutes. If it is still just slightly sticky this will cook through during the stand period.
  10. Leave the cake in the bread bakery for 5 minutes and mix the topping ingredients.
  11. After 5 minutes take the bread pan out of the bread maker using oven gloves and fork the cake all over. Then gradually spoon over the lemon drizzle topping waiting for it to be absorbed.
  12. Leave to cool completely in the tin before removing.